Thursday, June 25, 2015

Interview Question

Ethan Zimmer
Zach De Piero 

Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about your past, current and future writing?
  2. What is you're writing process?
  3. How do you start building you stories? 
  4. Do you think about every word you use?
  5. What kind of writers inspire you ? 
6)   Who is your target audience?
7)   What made you want to be a writer? 
8)   Do you have styles or moves you have gone back to into each piece of writing?
9)   Do you get help from other writers? 
10) At what point to do you bring in someone to proofread or edit your work?
11) How much do you relay on advice?
12) Do you write for pleasure or for work?
13) Is your process different for a client then it is for personal stuff? 

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