Tuesday, May 26, 2015

About me

 Hello everyone, 

Ok I think I finally figured this all out, I am officially blogging! I have never really blogged so setting it all up took me a second. I don't follow directions so good. 
ok, so now about me, most of you already know me. My name is Ethan Zimmer, I'm 24 years old and I am in my 3rd semester at brooks. Whoa getting up there. I am taking six class this semester like I did last semester and the one before that. I'm trying to get to the real world as fast as possible so I can immediately regret it soon after. 

I come from a small town in Oregon and to me Ventura is a big city, any thing over 50thousand people is a big city to me. I like the small town life but for right now and probably till I retire or die I will be in a big city. Hmm what else? Oh yes I am a film student and I have been enjoying the hell out of it. I find it fascinating to study what entertains people and how to trick them into seeing only what i want them to see. I hope to one day direct my own feature film but competition is tough and it seem as though that everyone who enters film school has the same aspirations, so I'm not really new with a fresh idea, I just have to work harder and want it more than then my counter parts. Thats how I see it, I don't know how everyone else sees it but I come from a long line and history of competitive sports, so naturally I make everything into a competition. Some might see it as a bad thing but America was founded on competition and no one gets better without it

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